We Joined in Fukuoka Growth Next / FGNに入居しました

2018年5月31日、福岡市の官民協業型スタートアップ施設・Fukuoka Growth Nextのリニューアルオープンに合わせて、第二期のメンバーとして、入居を開始いたしました。会社設立前の段階ですが、今後コネクティッド・ワークスの設立に向けて邁進してまいります。

May 31 2018, – Fukuoka, JAPAN. Connected Works joined in Fukuoka Growth Next where is a public incubation facility Fukuoka-city officially supports start-up companies. We have not yet been a corporate but will soon establish it as soon as possible. Look forward to seeing you all once we establish a company.



会社所在地:福岡県福岡市中央区大名2-6-11 Fukuoka Growth Next 2F

About Connected Works
We believe that there is vast series of Made-In-Japan products including traditional crafts, hand-crafted products and so on. However, many of them have been consumed in domestic market. We would like to bring those to the world. Our mission is to increase awareness of these Japan-made products through marketing and sales and to sustain the industry without impact on environment. We will do our best effort to achieve this goal. Strongly hope you enjoy Japan-made products moving forward. – Hiro Yamanaka (Managing Director, Connected Works)

Managing Director: Norihiro Yamanaka
Address: Fukuoka Growth Next 2F, Daimyo2-6-11, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka-city, Fukuoka, 810-0041, JAPAN