社名のConnected(つなぐ) Works(しごと)という名前には、生産者と消費者を“つなぐ“役割、生産者と生産者を“つなぐ“新しいことを産み出す役割、失われていく可能性があるかもしれない仕事、文化、環境を未来へ“つなぐ“役割を果たしたい。そういう思いを込めて名付けています。単につなぐだけではなく、仕組みが経済的にも、環境的にも、持続可能なものでないと、後世に伝えていくことはできません。わたしたちは、その架け橋になりたいと考えています。
それが、わたしたちCONNECTED WORKSが進めたいことです。
Japanese culture to not only Japan but also to the world… We named company CONNECTED WORKS to be a hub role to connect producer such as artisan and consumer, to connect producer and producer to create new opportunity and product, and to maintain works, culture and environment to the future. Only connecting cannot work alone, but to work smoothly it should be sustainable in all ways – economically and ecologically. We would love to be a such hub role between humans.
Fukuoka has 1.58 million population as of July 2019 and ranked the 5th biggest in population in Japan. In recent years, Fukuoka is a rare case increasing population while it has been declining all over Japan. Back to the Heian period – 8th to 12th century, Fukuoka was the biggest port in Japan for trading with other countries. Since here is the closest to the mainland, Fukuoka used to be a gateway to other countries. There are still some heritages such as the past guest house for overseas VIPs – Kourokan. I believe that people working in this city in the past must be very international traders. With their passion in our mind, we established a company here in Fukuoka.
会社名 / Company Name | | 合同会社コネクティッド・ワークス | | CONNECTED WORKS LLC |
代表者名 / Name of Company Representative | | 山中 教寛 | | NORIHIRO YAMANAKA |
資本金 / Capital Amount | | 2,000,000円 | | JPY 2,000,000 |
会社所在地 / Address | | 〒810-0041 福岡県福岡市中央区大名2-6-11 Fukuoka Growth Next | | Fukuoka Growth Next, Daimyo 2-6-11, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka-city, Fukuoka, 810-0041, JAPAN |
取引金融機関 / Bank of Account | | みずほ銀行 福岡支店 | 西日本シティ銀行 大名支店 |
| Mizuho Bank, Fukuoka branch | Nishi-Nippon City Bank, Daimyo branch |
About 5 minutes walk from Nishitetsu Fukuoka (Tenjin) station.
When you visit us, please register on iPad at reception on the ground floor of FGN.
入居施設 Fukuoka Growth Nextについて
私たちが入居しているFukuoka Growth Nextは、統廃合で閉校になった旧・福岡市立大名小学校です。現在は、国の戦略特区(グローバル創業・雇用創出特区)である福岡市の強力な支援・地元企業との連携により運営されている官民協働型のスタートアップ施設です。
Facility where we are in is called Fukuoka Growth Next, a former Daimyo Elementary School. Fukuoka-city has been chosen as national strategic zone for global business start-up and creating job opportunity since 2014, and strongly support to operate here with dozens sponsor companies.
For more details